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Let's Talk About Fujoshi's

huan huan
18 08,2020
The romanticization of rape and other problematic subjects in romance works has been going on for decades, and it is no different with gay romance. This is not a "fujoshi thing", it is something that, if it is common in BLs, is because gay men have normalized it as well (like our king Gengoroh Tagame). Some may think that this is normal in BLs per......   1 reply
18 08,2020
18 08,2020
I do agree with you on this. They probably don't think it's a big deal since it's fiction, but these types of things happen everyday and could be happening this very minute. I don't think you're complaining over nothing, these types of things should be taken seriously and should not be used for other people's enjoyment.   1 reply
18 08,2020
18 08,2020
It’s very annoying how rape is depicted so often in bl mangas, but it is fiction. It should be fine if the author explained how wrong it was but majority of the time they don’t. So, this leads to stupid ppl romanticizing that shit. It spreads the wrong image. Tho i do think if you realize its wrong and just want to read it for the sex then its ......   1 reply
18 08,2020
diabolical 17 08,2020
This is the first time I've posted a question on this site so I don't know if this will get removed or not, but I don't think I'm breaking any rules here. I guess I'll know if this gets removed.

Why do some fujoshi think that just because a manga/manhwa is BL that means it's perfectly okay to depict abusive behavior as normal or sexy? Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a majority of fujoshi's and I've seen other fujo's discuss this as well. This just bothers me though. In one manhwa, the uke rapes the seme in his sleep. Some people in the comments had the same reaction as me, uneasiness—but some people were okay with it. Some people even said we shouldn't be upset because it's a BL manhwa.

I know it seems I'm just whining about what other people like, but I don't think it's okay for literal rape to be normalized in BL. I mean, people who are questioning their identity/sexuality look to media like TV shows, movies, and books to help them. I don't think it's safe to put rape in BL because "that's just how bl is!"

What do the rest of you think? Is this just me complaining over nothing? Or, is this a real issue?
17 08,2020

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