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Please post the name of your group here if you all end up working something out! Would love to support, I’ve always really wanted to join one but I don’t actually have the skills to do any of the jobs, so I’ll be cheering you guys on!   reply
18 07,2019
I’d be interested in joining, I have no experience but can translate Chinese (although I’m not completely fluent like a native, I know a decent amount and am learning more and know some Chinese idioms and phrases) and would be willing to proofread if you don’t need a translator or would rather me do that. My Line ID is rah339666 and my Discor......   reply
18 07,2019
I would love to join! I don’t have experience with anything but I am willing to spend time and learn! I can perhaps help in proofreading, cleaning, and typeset. I also know a tiny bit of Korean and Spanish is my first language! My discord is agingangel#5352 and my line is sleepyhannie   reply
17 07,2019
If you need another Japanese translator, I'd be happy to help! You can contact me through Line at pinkbunnybuns thanks!(▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
17 07,2019
Can I join ? My line ID is coolwolfbean   reply
16 07,2019
I would love to join though I don't know how to clean and typeset. I'm willing to learn anyway. Btw, I can help in proofreading.   1 reply
16 07,2019
I would like to join even though I've never done something like this before   reply
16 07,2019
I can only do Japanese and I'm not that good at it.   reply
16 07,2019
Hi :) im a designer/developer by profession and I can help you out. I love reading manga/manhwa so much that I would love to do this. If you are still looking to add more you can contact me at [email protected]. (⌒▽⌒)   1 reply
16 07,2019
Hey, I would like to help! I've never done it before but I would like to try typesetting, I have researched on how to do it though! I can also proofread since my first language is English, I'll be able to point out grammatical errors and such. :) I won't be able to translate anything though, and I don't think I'll be any good at cleaning. I don't h......   reply
16 07,2019

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