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Hi what happened to Xiaos Playground translation group? Why the aren't active anymore?
06 10,2023
Saving the Doomed Idols With My Touch

It has lots of yummy food , mc trying to reach the deadline otherwise he cant take revenge and the body he is in will also k.o and hot guys !!

It was last updated in june and i am unsure if the season ended (unlikely) or they just stopped translating:(
19 09,2023
28 05,2021
So,after a long day of doing absolutely nothing,I was reading this manhwa called 'Bug player'.

Now I've noticed a...questionable translators comment that's totally irrelevant to the story. I brushed it off and continued reading thinking that the translators were just joking. But the more i read the more nasty and stupid those remarks get.

I was like nah something isn't right here and decided to pause and check the group out. One look at their discord rule's page and it tells me all that I needed to know. Remarks that I was talking about will be posted in the comments below (istg it's so fucking dumb)
28 05,2021
A friend and I are planning to start a translation group, and we were wondering if there were any series people wanted translated?

We don't mind which genre, there just has to be Japanese raws available :) (since my friend can only translate Jap to Eng. I can translate from dutch to English but that helps no one _(┐「ε:)_)

If there are any - just leave a comment, preferably with links to Japanese raws and we will see what we can do!

ps: I already posted this in a different section, but I’m confused about how the community section of this website works soooo I made one here... I’ve been on here for 3 years and I feel like a boomer _(┐「ε:)_

Two things have already been requested, one was “dear door” (Imma check out the situation with that ‘cause We don’t want to start beef on our first projects) and “Shangri La no Tori” (it’s pretty intense for a first translation aaaaand so far I’ve only found Russian raws (ㆀ˘・з・˘))

Have a nice day folks!
(Sorry if this broke community guidelines (*´ー`*) )
27 01,2021