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How Are U Guys Doing In School

itz_G 11 04,2021
anime: yugioh manga: fruits basket manhwa: the abandoned empress manhua: A Beauty, a Fatal Concubine (probably)   1 reply
11 04,2021
U w U
11 04,2021
11 04,2021
I DONT HAVE ANY CHANCE TO CHEAT. I dont have friends so I dont have someone I could cheat with. Our papers, essays-- everything that we submit have strict plagiarism rules. All of them must be properly cited using APA style. Our tests are mostly essay type. Yeah fck college   reply
11 04,2021
11 04,2021
I cheated on a test with my friend once, and they got caught, I passed the test and they failed, at least I managed to pass the class   1 reply
11 04,2021
so you know...   reply
11 04,2021
No way. I would have been caught and shamed and no way I was going to go through that. It’s much easier to do the work than figure ways to cheat then stress about getting caught. Most I did was stretch the truth to get an extension for an assignment.   reply
11 04,2021
Úd 11 04,2021
I'm doing hella good in everything except for math (I'm barely passing). THE MATH TEACHER IS A DEMON!! She purposely fails everyone. She adds stuff in the exam that we haven't even learned yet. And when we call her out she's like "oops, my bad. but I will not be cancelling the exam." LIKE?????? Everyone legit failed. Also, she complains about stuff......   4 reply
11 04,2021

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