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Please read SM Gokko !!! It's a bdsm lover's dream but sadly only has 5 chapters ;^:   reply
16 07,2020
Joy ୨୧ 16 07,2020
Yea I did in 7th grade. So it was like before winter break in December when this guy came up to me and asked what my name was and I told him it was *inserts name* anyways he went back to his seat after that.Then like 5 minutes later he came back and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I obviously said no because we literally just met and ......   reply
16 07,2020
Okay so it’s 8th grade history class right? One of the last weeks till school ends... His friends run over and put his binder by me so he’d have to come get it right? He walks over... Asks me out... I said I’d think about it... I never answered him... And you know what’s funny? I developed a crush on him in 9th grade... I’m mostly over hi......   reply
16 07,2020
Never. Because I never get confessed or have someone approach me with the intention to date me in the first place lol. Most of my males friends only see me as their younger sister or as their male friend.   reply
16 07,2020
16 07,2020
When I first transitioned in 8th grade to a new school, this dude and his friends always used to bully me. Since we unfortunately lived in the same neighborhood, him and his crew would throw pebbles at me and mock me for liking anime. On the bus ride home with him sitting behind me, one of his friends commented that he had a crush on me which I did......   2 reply
16 07,2020
Yeah like three times One was a guy I said I like dhim and he said he didn't care Second guy said "what? " And moved on And then the third person was my my best friend, she said no lol we're still friends   1 reply
16 07,2020
16 07,2020
In 1st grade this guy yelled he liked me in front of everyone, I pushed him to the ground bcs I was embarrassed and got scolded lol   reply
16 07,2020
Yes, one time in 4th grade. The guy got courage from his friend and confessed to me in the halls on our way back to class. Me being a weirdo and all embarrassed made a weird “hhhhhhhh” sound while covering my face.   1 reply
16 07,2020
God 16 07,2020
yea in 3rd grade i gave some boy a cookie next day he asked me out i said no and he was like ok   1 reply
16 07,2020
sheep 16 07,2020
I rejected some guy who confessed to me. I didn’t know him, so I just sort of did that. I didn’t knew his identity because he had written out his confession on a piece of paper and had his female friend hand it to me. Turned out he was some popular dude or whatever, he said he knew me because he was on the same flag football team with my brot......   reply
16 07,2020

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