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I think the proper way to reject a crush is to be honest about how you feel, if you don’t see them this way you can tell them, “ hearing that makes me happy but I don’t see you this way, I’m sure there’s someone out there who will love and appreciate you with all of their heart.” I once reject someone this way so... yeah and I’m so gl......   reply
23 12,2019
A proper way to reject a crush? Be truthful and don't lie about the situation. As long as you're clear and get your message across that you're not interested in them or you're not looking for a relationship then they should understand. It definitely takes a lot of courage to ask someone out, but you don't wanna give them false hopes about dating th......   reply
23 12,2019
23 12,2019
I've rejected an old/ex friend multiple times. We met in freshman year (high school, in college now); I honestly thought we were just pretty good friends. We'd share food, hang out, talk about everything and anything; basically best friends! But, when he eventually did ask me out... He wouldn't take no for hint. At times, he made me feel uncomfort......   reply
23 12,2019
23 12,2019
My rejection stories? Had this guy in high school (2 grades lower than me) touch me unconsentually all the time. He would rub my thighs, hug me, etc. It made me feel so uncomfortable. As I was an nonconfrontational bean back then, it took until he started rubbing objects on me to snap. I went off on him so hard, he cried. I felt bad for a second b......   reply
23 12,2019
Scout 23 12,2019
Yea... so many times, lots of denied numbers and social media requests. most memorable was the DJ who would basically wax poetry for me over the free cans of energy drinks i'd give him. Not really into guys so I let him down gently. then there was the man who would come in every day for cigarettes and coffee. He was an older gentlemen who liked t......   reply
23 12,2019
ranran 23 12,2019
Unfortunately. The younger immature me liked to play around and then ghost people when it gets too demanding or the relationship is getting more serious that the other person is about to ask. I feel sorry about it now because of commitment issues.   reply
23 12,2019
Rook 23 12,2019
Yeahhhh. Had a good friend of the opposite gender for a while. He confessed to me twice and I rejected him both times. Glad I did cause we had a bad falling out in the end. We really weren't compatible at all. I kinda knew he wanted more from me than I wanted from him. So the entire friendship was strained really.   reply
23 12,2019
Batt 23 12,2019
Did it straight to the guys twice , I was 11 and 17 ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
23 12,2019
23 12,2019
Not really "rejecting" in a "sorry, no"-way. More like accidently rejecting a few girls. Not that I would ever consider myself that much wanted xD   reply
23 12,2019
22 12,2019
The amount of gross old men I have had to reject is unreal. I can’t walk down the street anymore without somebody old ass uncle or grandpa yelling “ HEY MISS! You look good!” And me having to awkwardly lie and say I’m dating someone and then explain no I cannot be friends with benefits with them because of my fake boyfriend.   1 reply
22 12,2019

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