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Despite me having read hundreds of yaoi mangas. I only have 5 actual hard copies of yaoi mangas and I think like another 5 mangas on my flash drive / computer. So a total of 10 yaoi mangas the only problem I have with the hard copies is I have to translate them and that's going to take so much time. Even worse since I have no furigana to help me. ......   reply
24 04,2016
When I turned 18 I bought the 3 first chapters of a webcomic called Starfighter by HamletMachine. I also have an MxM novel about a boy who finds out he's a merman and falls in love with another merman. It's called The Merman: Transformation by RayTheReign. Of course, I hide them in my bag because my dad is homophobic. ( ̄へ ̄)   3 reply
24 04,2016
Only 3 >.< , all are in my bookcase in plane sight but my mum doesn't really care ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ,2 are from the web series called Ten and the other is Nights ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   1 reply
24 04,2016
I don't have a lot, only around 5 mangas/doujins atm, one of which being shounen ai. I did buy some more on Amazon a few days ago, though! I definitely want to buy more yaoi as time goes on.   reply
24 04,2016
I have none. I want to get some physical copies, but I need to find a way to hide them from my mom. Even though I am 19 now, I still don't want her to think that I read them for anything more than the stories if you know what I mean....   5 reply
24 04,2016
A few, always purchase whenever possible. Still appreciate scanlations though.   reply
24 04,2016
Is it true that reading manga online is illegal? That's what my friend told me... She said she read it somewhere in a web of someone...   4 reply
22 04,2016
... and here in Spain, translated yaoi mangas are so rare. I mean, there are some, but most of them are... well, not that good. Last year a new publishing house started to bring some REALLY GOOD yaoi works, so they're taking my money and I can't resist (Thanks, Tomodomo! I'm broken, but I'm so happy!). I've purchased some in English, too. So, righ......   reply
21 04,2016
I have around *cough* 112 *cough* different series and single volume mangas and a total of *cough* 249 *cough* give or take. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   reply
23 03,2016
More or less 300 manga i don't know the number of serie but i want to have all the yaoi published in french, it's a long ways lol   reply
23 03,2016

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