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[ oh by the way it could've been any type of trip/visits ] if i would have any dessert during a school field trip , it would definitely be; stroopwafels...because it's kinda easy to eat and it's hecka sweet [ if it weren't for covid-19 ヽ(`Д´)ノ i could've gone to my school field trip before we had to quarantine ]
02 05,2020
Oh I love pineapple pizza, I used to eat it all the time before I went on keto.   reply
02 05,2020
Definitely. What doesn't belong on pizza is chicken. I have no idea why but I feel chicken on pizza is an abomanation.   1 reply
02 05,2020
sweet and sour pork all the way, could prolly eat 3 bowls of that shit   reply
02 05,2020
Yes it does... My favorite pizza is green chili pineapple pepperoni...   reply
02 05,2020
Fuck ya   reply
02 05,2020
Fuck no   1 reply
02 05,2020
02 05,2020
Neither i only eat things that are slowly decreasing my life span   reply
02 05,2020
Neither! I only accept meat! The human body is at it’s peak performance solely on a diet of pure red meat!   reply
01 05,2020
Chillies. [Answer]
01 05,2020
Id love it more if It didn’t make my poop burning hot   reply
01 05,2020

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