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Making Friends [Question]
SOS 26 08,2019
So I have a bit of a problem.
I very much want to have friends to chat with. But I will go from talking for hours and hours for weeks on end, then suddenly hit a deep depression and disappear for possibly months, but then come back as if nothing ever happened, and repeat. Most people can't really keep up with that, which is understandable; I mean I hate it also and makes me embarrassed which sometimes starts the depression, but that's beside the point. But because of that I have no "friends" to come back to when I pull myself out of my depression episode. I literally have one person I talk to, and that's because I live with them, hah. Anyway: Please be my friend, and I'm sorry if I don't seem like I want you as a friend. I really do, I just need to pull myself together a lot, hah. Just message me on here if you want, and if you don't want to I'm sorry for wasting your time, but thanks for listening to me whine.
26 08,2019
19 07,2019
So, my phone crashed and I had to get a new one. I forgot my line EVERYTHING. Can anyone pls add me back to the GC? I am about to create a new account.   reply
19 07,2019
hey ~ you can add me my id is h3ii   reply
15 07,2019
add meeee! Line id is: _hippopo   reply
15 07,2019
Hey, i'd like to join if its still open :) My id is ~ sleeping.4ever   reply
15 07,2019
Hi I would love to talk to someone and make new friends my Id is caramelbel   reply
15 07,2019
Ya-ya 14 07,2019
My line ID is h3ppubith0day I really would like to talk to someone(⌒▽⌒)   reply
14 07,2019
Ya-ya 14 07,2019
Here is my ID h3ppybirth0day we can talk about anything it doesn’t matter :-D ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
14 07,2019
imykth247,add me I'm feeling lonely and sad.   reply
14 07,2019
Same here Id yoonga0bat   reply
14 07,2019

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