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The Most Pain You Felt

LilTinyVamp 01 12,2020
Congratulations, you've reached enlightenment and attained ultimate wisdom after completing NNN. Too bad you're a girl and can't take part in Destroy Dick December, but still congrats   2 reply
01 12,2020
I SURVIVED [Question]
Kiyuku 2 01 12,2020
It’s 1:30am December 1, 2020. I SURVIVED NO NUT NOVEMBER and a week without reading smut. HA and I’m on my period so I can’t masturbate any fucking way. Sigh~ I did this for what.?
01 12,2020
Aw man the pain [Experience]
01 12,2020
Ran full speed and stubbed my pinkie toe on a cement block. Was limpin for a few weeks. And bending my fingernail backwards. Not breaking off it just folded back like origami. Never growing my nails out again (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
01 12,2020
I was abused and more [Experience]
01 12,2020
my step dad was abusive and he would hit me all the time. It hurt really bad no matter how much I screamed in pain...he didn't stop....He um...was the reason I almost left this earth....because of the pain be caused me....he also tried to kill me...he pointed a gun at was scary its like I saw my own life flash before my mom died a......   reply
01 12,2020
A flying bottle [Experience]
01 12,2020
I was sitting in class, just a normal day except for the fact that my classmates are throwing bottle at each other and I was just minding my own business when a bottle just came crashing into my face..   1 reply
01 12,2020
ball is not my life... [Experience]
01 12,2020
i was once forced by my friends to shoot a basketball but the ball didnt even hit close to the hoop and just whooshed under it the silence and humiliation that came after that was painful   reply
01 12,2020
alex [Experience]
Alex 01 12,2020
i once got my hand slammed on by a really heavy door a few of my nails came off and i mean the whole nail.   1 reply
01 12,2020
The worst pain [Experience]
25 07,2020
The most pain I’ve ever felt was when we had to put down my family dog on 7/10/30. He had been going downhill for a while so everyone knew it was coming, but it was horrible. I used to watch him sleeping and his little chest would go up and down. I watched as his chest rose for the last time and it didn’t come back up. We got him when I was 4, ......   reply
25 07,2020
Physical pain [Experience]
25 07,2020
Had a painful ear infection and someone suggested a home remedy. That remedy made the condition worse. The pain was so bad I was rolling around crying my lungs out, I really wanted to die asap, the pain was unbearable and my family thought I was faking it. I stopped believing on home remedies and somewhat lost faith in my family. I believed in doct......   reply
25 07,2020
my parents [Experience]
25 07,2020
My parents told me that my dream does not meet their standard and force me to stop doing it, they praise other people child but never praise me even once. I'm suffer from my memories I don't even remember if they ever loved me, I think for them happiness means you should have lots of money and live a luxurious life. they forget that as a human I do......   1 reply
25 07,2020

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