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Still unsure of my sexuality

KRDO KRDO 2020-08-09 20:37:28 About unsure sexuality
I find both men and women attractive but in theory I find sex with men more appealing (rather unexperienced virgin). I know I'm either lithromantic or aromantic but I don't know if I'm lithosexual, bi/bi curious, asexual, or aceflux. Alot of time things sound really pleasurable but in action it unpleasant (ex I've tried kissing a couple times and hated it). I don't know if it has to do with skill,sexuality, or my level of attraction towards my partner.


KRDO September 19, 2020 1:23 am

Thanks for the tip. ♡ I think my biggest problem is although I have the desire/curiosity to try sexual thing and can get aroused by porn/hentai, I tend to be touch averse and extremely picky on who I let touch me (even non sexually). I don't now how/when the problem originated, I was never abused or assulted.

Ares August 9, 2020 9:55 pm

I had similar problem.. I had that confusing bi curious phase plus the confusing "Am I asexual? Am I demisexual? Why am I not a horn dog like everyone else around me?" moment.

So experimenting directly through sexual relationship is nearly impossible. I've tried having romantic relationships with male and female but it never last long enough before they demanded sexual intimacy (kissing, oral, or more), even tho at the start of every relationsgip I always make it clear that I'm not comfortable with sexual intimacy.

In the end I use porn/hentai to experiment. Het, gay, lesbian, trans* porn/hentai. And from there I notice that I'm leaning towards men. Currently have longest monogamous gay relationship (about 4 years) .. we finally have sex after about one year of commited relationship.

The start of our relationship is a bit cliche.. I lived in several big cities.. become jaded, almost giving up on love life, quit my job and coming home to my parent. Then during the in between jobs I surprisingly ended up with the boy next door from my home town. We are about the same age, we've known each other since childhood, our parents are friends, but we never thought that we will be more than neighbors.

TL:DR.. the point is if you're not comfortable with sex.. use other medium to experiment sexually. Then for the real life relationship.. try to take a closer look into the people that you have known for a long time. Who knows maybe you have overlooked someone that could be the one. That's just my opinion based on personal experience tho.