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they are my people, so ofc i embrace them.   reply
12 09,2020
I mean it sounds exhausting to hate that many people. I get where they are coming from tho. I often say if aliens wanna come abduct me I won't resist.   reply
12 09,2020
Oh me, my TIME TO SHINE, I am a misanthropic   2 reply
12 09,2020
i mean i probably have a personality disorder but for rn I'm a misanthropist i just hate how dramatic and annoying people can be we also have no reason to procreate / exist anymore we have damaged the world. IN conclusion, we are the best! ahead of yall times!   reply
12 09,2020
I was about to answer yes with a passion but then remembered BTS exists so no not the entire human species... But do I hate the society I live in and about 90% of people I know? Y E S   reply
12 09,2020
i mean, ive been misanthropic for a very long time. i hope at some point i can find someone that could change me, but no matter how hard i try, i just cant seem to find the positives in anything, especially humanity.   reply
12 09,2020
I had no idea I had a second name   reply
12 09,2020

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