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This guy tried to fuck me

Error Error 2020-09-11 15:21:09 About had a weird person crush on u
This happened during freshman year of high school. This guy kept staring at me and I thought he was always zoning out.He sat besides me and we were acquaintances. One day during class, he grouped my ass and said " I can see your nipples from this angel". I thought it was a joke because guys at my age were dry humping each and stuff. Anyways, It had became a few months after the incident, he came out to me via text messages and I played it off as I joke (I'm an idiot). The next day, he asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom together, ofc it wasn't common for guys to go to the bathroom together so I declined. Also he kept "accidentally" grouping my ass . I avoided him the whole year.


Killua September 11, 2020 3:44 pm

similar to my experience in middle school was all boys school, i was scared of even using showers or bathroom in school just when go back home shower, i didnt understand but even i told teachers i was named coward since wasnt just 1 boy but remembering this even i am highschool now still makes me shiver became something of an issue to me i so hate any touch me even handshake with stranger can make me feel pressured and very gross, except for my family i feel this way with any other wish you dont get to feel something like this

Oko September 11, 2020 3:27 pm

That's disgusting, can't believe you had to deal with a guy like him.

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