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Made and lost a friend

K_shooky K_shooky 2020-09-19 15:45:57 About made true friends
I used to have the most amazing best friends until I quit my job after that we stopped talking, she got with the wrong crowd and now does drugs and just generally doesn’t bother talking to me anymore, it hurts I loved her like a little sister and I wish I had friends to talk to cus it’s scary being all by myself -and stuck in my head. I’ve tried talking to her but she just leaves me on read or ghosts me and that really hurts.


lala opsies November 22, 2020 5:40 am

My best friend just migrated to another country and it's sad cause she doesn't reply to me anymore even though I see her online. I really don't have any other friend aside from her. And now I see her getting close with other people. I started crying to myself cause I felt so disgusted for feeling jealous.

Urmom_official September 19, 2020 4:00 pm

I understand how you feel, my “best friend” did something similar, she suddenly stopped talking to me, I changed schools (not cuz of that obviously) and now I feel super lonely, I don’t have anyone to talk to, sometimes I wish everyone watched anime, since that’s the easiest topic of conversation for me :’/

K_shooky September 19, 2020 5:28 pm

We could talk if you wanted too, I’d love to talk about anime and whatever else your interested in!