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my brother might be gay?

givemebackmybrain givemebackmybrain 2020-10-01 14:42:52 About family drama
um bear with me yll

We moved to where we live rn very recently, n with the pandemic the construction of the house had come to a standstill. But we can't leave it undone like this, so my parents decided it was about time to resume the construction and since we're short on manpower, my siblings n I agreed to help out in between our classes. Btw It's toooo much hard work istg, I'm so fucking weak and tired, n I think the cement is gon eat away all of my feet n hands. Anyways, two days(?) back my older brother (i say older but we r the same year n month even lol) said he'll bring a friend of his to help. Didn't sound like a very good idea but my bones and non existent muscles could no longer do this while simultaneously trying to keep up with college, my brother doesn't go to college btw, n my other siblings n mom were in the same condition so we agreed. The next day bro came home with this tall guy who was apparently his 'good friend', forgot to mention that my brother is shorter than me, he's 5'1 (truthfully I think he's shorter than that but since he says so) This 'good friend' of his was like 6'0 ig and when we saw them walking through the main gate into the front lawn their height difference was wow lmaooo, we made fun of our dear brother a lot, in conclusion. Now K(lets call him that) was this chill dude who talked a lot, tbh I liked him from the moment I saw him cus he was wearing a one piece shirt with luffy on it, he was such a big help too. After like work, I was helping n mom with dinner since k would be staying over, we were in the kitchen I overheard dad tell my brother to wash the car, followed by the K saying he'll help n then dad telling him to rest a couple of times, dad wouldn't shut up about how much of a good kid k was as he walked into the kitchen. now from the kitchen's window we can see parts of the garage area, I was sitting on the chair by the window n I saw them like playing with the water n the foam shirtless, looked like they were having fun, I was smiling while internally laughing bc of their height when k like bended over n kissed my brother I was so surprised. Like shook. My first instinct was to check if either of my parents saw, we a Christian family, religious n all, living in a country that still turns a blind eye to lgbt+, yk that stuff. Luckily neither of them saw, more than the shock of finding out my brother was prolly gay I was worried about my parents, my fucking heart was gon jump out of my heart istg n those two were making out there in broad daylight, shirtless may I add. Those were the most stressful 10 minutes of my life istg, trying to make sure that mom n dad wouldn't look out of the window. Everything went by in a flash, dinner was so stressful for me and then I couldn't sleep one bit, had too many questions, but I didn't want to interfere unless he told me on his own but the odds of that happening was prolly, no def, zero. So I made my way up to their room at like 1 in the morning unable to sleep after all, I was at the door n was just about to knock when I could make out some low sounds n the bed creaking. I turned around n bolted like as fast as could n ofc i had to stumble on the iron table thingy with a loud like LOUD crash, I picked it up quickly n ran down the stairs almost falling every two steps surprisingly no one woke up but istg I had seen n heard enough. Now I was more awake than I initially was.
OH MY LORD what do I do now? I mean I'm sure my brother knows that I knwo but that mf won't say one fucking word while also looking so troubled n avoiding me. I'm gon lose my mind, I want to ask him but idk what n how do I do this?? Like it's so awkward that its laughable, n at the very least I want to talk but he keeps running away, so I can't do anything. But then again if he doesn't want to then honestly I don't want to force him but he's misunderstood things for sure cus like our family, I dont remember even a single instance where we talked or even mentioned lgbt+, like ever. So he might be misunderstanding stuff n I don't want to leave it like this but then the mf keeps on avoiding me what do i do

family drama

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