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Love confession [Answer]
23 05,2021
Okay, I dont honestly call it a love confession cos I did it as a joke but I sent an "i like you " message to my classmate for no fucking reason, i just felt like it and he thought I like him cos I didnt bother explaining due to me being in shock of what the fuck did I just do. Then ,he keep staring at me in class, I stare at him back for no fucki......   reply
23 05,2021
Love confession [Answer]
IHateReality 23 05,2021
Damn yall have crush?   1 reply
23 05,2021
Love confession [Answer]
Iamzemuffinboi 02 10,2020
Weeellll I broke up with my so a few months ago (don’t worry abt me im fine) but she kissed me in a truth or dare game -///-   reply
02 10,2020
Love confession [Answer]
lulu potato sensei
02 10,2020
well I looked at them and they turned their head like they wanted to avoid making eye contact with me, I feel rejected ╥﹏╥ One time(with someone else) I entered a classroom heated and it was really cold outside, so I entered and said out loud : "I love you" (I was talking to the heating) but I didn't pay attention at where I was looking. My ......   reply
02 10,2020
Love confession [Answer]
23 05,2021
I have always been the type to fall in love easily, so when I fell hard for a girl it was a surprise. I usually don't confess, because I'd rather be alone than in an awkward situation with a friend. So I asked her out, well if you call stumbling up to her and mumbling out, "I like you a lot, we should date" than running away a confession. She was ......   1 reply
23 05,2021
Love confession [Answer]
SONY 23 05,2021
I've never confessed before lol. But my love life goes like: He confessed. I accepted. We date. He toxic. I break up with him. Still single until now :D And now I'm in an unrequited love with my friend but well she's straight so I guess I won't confess *sad bi noise* (biromantic, to be exact)   reply
23 05,2021
Love confession [Answer]
23 05,2021
My crush was a big flirt. More like a play boy. he chased many girls and no one said no to him . And he was handsome too , like , no one can say no to him , damn gorgeous . And when I confessed to him , I got to know something that was hidden from me for a long period of years . He said "bitch u r same as me , sorry" .   1 reply
23 05,2021
Love confession [Answer]
23 05,2021
Im that kind of mf who date for fun so cant relate but i have changed now- i think   reply
23 05,2021
Love confession [Answer]
luv<333333 23 05,2021
I confess and end up being rejected bcs he told me that he was gay at the end my best friend dating w with him sksk okay life is sucks fr.   reply
23 05,2021
Me and my current bf was acting straight till we suddenly got heated in the moment and kiss...... Basically we we're crushing on eachother but we was in the closet till the last moment.... Looking back we pretty much did tons of gay things when we were still friends we was just not getting the hints   reply
23 05,2021

lose virginity

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