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Hiya~ I only know a little bit of Japanese, not fluent haha.. However, if you are ever interested in Chinese BL mangas, I am willing to help if you need translating! (I'm definitely a newbie tho (*´∀`), if you don't mind)   reply
13 07,2017
Unfortunately I can't translate, but I'd definitely be interested in helping with grammar, spell checking and possibly typesetting. Provided there's no time crunch. Though I would be a little more picky about genre. Let me know if you get any bites, and/or are interested in the helping hand.   reply
11 07,2017
Heya~~ Unfortunately I don't know Korean or Japanese language sighh but I can totally do typesetting! So if you might need my help (currentyl a freelance yaoi typesetter), please don't hesitate to contact me (⌒♡⌒)   reply
11 07,2017
Hi~ I have no background in Japanese or Korean (though I could translate basic French) but I'm willing to proofread :) Also, I'm willing to learn how to typeset. (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
11 07,2017
I e-mailed you! I already translated a manga before (but never scanalated.) I'm not good though. I'm still learning. (._.) But I know people who fully understands Japanese (well that's because they are Japanese) 私は日本語を勉強です(・∀・)コリです、よろしくお願いします。   reply
11 07,2017
Following this thread! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
11 07,2017

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