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Tale of the Yellow Dragon by Brothers Without a Tomorrow That shiz had my crying and thinking about it for days. The story was absolutely beautiful and the art was stunning. One can really tell the story-line was thought out. I still can't read or even think about it without crying or feeling a little depressed. The ending of it made me feel ex......   1 reply
04 12,2023
Killing stalking last episodes w the fire, made me cry. Don't ask if im crazy.   reply
04 12,2023
Pandora Hearts I don’t know what the fuck happen but the last few chapters was just PAIN, PAIN, AND MORE PAIN!!!(/TДT)/ I went into this manga for some bromance BL moments btw Gilbert and William, and ended with loving the familiar bond btw Alice, Gilbert, and William. I see all 3 of them as siblings   reply
03 12,2023
now i remember reading the horizon to prove how it wouldn't affect me at all, which it didn't for the most part. sad fiction will not move a brick wall. but when this traumatised lil kid actually survived till the end and had a comfortable and stable life, punched me right in the gut man.   reply
03 12,2023   reply
13 07,2021
umm idk if it's my lack of emotions but i never found any mangas/anime that made me cry??? there is an empty feeling that lingers but i have never cried djdndjd SNK, BF, JJK, CSM are a very few that has left me feeling empty because i was over attached with some characters   reply
13 07,2021
ofc BANANA FISH, it's been years since i read banana fish but damn, it's still hurt when i remember eiji looking to a bunch of ash's photo while crying and i don't want to talk about it but 'sa-yo-na-ra'   reply
09 05,2021
Banana fish literally still think and cry about it and I watched it a year ago.   reply
19 03,2021
megu 24 02,2021
i think its rental onii-chan, messed me up and as for anime violet evergarden, I just watched it recently and it made me sob like a 2 y o   2 reply
24 02,2021
Kuku 24 02,2021
IM SO CONFUSED WHY ARENT YALL SAYING HUNTER X HUNTER? TFFFFF i cried on : Hunter x Hunter, Banana Fish, Paradise View (manga), A Thousand Cranes (manga), No. 6 (TV show & manga), Given. ill update if i have more i cant remember all of em’ rn :)   reply
24 02,2021