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sorry [Answer]
04 12,2020
You guys are making some random kid be insecure about using a site the way it’s intended. Even if you were annoyed, it isn’t okay to make callout posts. The people who made the questions you are complaining about will see it and feel like shit. If you want more interesting questions; make them.   1 reply
04 12,2020
sorry [Answer]
Ezraphobic 04 12,2020
I only accept apologies in credit card info try again you fucking loser /j   1 reply
04 12,2020
sorry [Answer]
Scotty 04 12,2020
sorry bro its to late to say sorry for you   reply
04 12,2020
sorry [Answer]
Forg 04 12,2020
no you cool   reply
04 12,2020