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Toffee Toffee 2020-12-07 09:02:42 About adopting cats
*this is pretty long so yeah*

So I was washing our dishes and suddenly, I heard a “meow” under our sink. Then, I opened the lower part of the sink and saw a grown up cat. I fed it and all and I had a hard time getting close to it coz it seems to be afraid of humans. So then, we became friends. I named it Chester. It started to live in our house and my mom really hates the situation (cat's poop smells like hell). The only issue abt Chester is, it eats everything in our table when no ones around. My mom got mad af (I'm asian) and wanted to kick out Chester but I am pretty hardheaded and kept Chester around.

My mom told me that Chester can stay because it is a “he”. So yeah I was happy for a good 2 days. When I checked it's butt, I saw TWO HOLES. Okay. Chester is a girl. It's fine. I told my mom abt it and she got mad again lmao. My mom did not have a choice but to keep Chester with us. I trained her to eat catfood. At first, she was reluctant but she ate it anyway (now I have to pay a lot for her food, sucks to be a single mom).

Here's a pic of Chester (w/ me in the bathroom because she follows me around everytime):


Hawt December 7, 2020 10:09 am

Atleast you got a pet. Am still feeding stray cats until now. I dunno why cats visit me tho. ( and they actually let me pet them. incredible.)
I actually can't hang out with a cat that much coz i got asthma

Toffee December 8, 2020 2:37 pm

Lol. Same here. I'm asthmatic too.