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china scares me [Answer]
urlesbianneighbour 15 12,2020
Girl I’m an atheist but my adoptive family is Muslim and I love them sooo much much more than my original family who were homophobic transphobic and generally shitty humans if they went to China they’d be tortured and brainwashed I hate hate hate China for what it did and still does to Muslims AND for what it did to its OWN citizens   reply
15 12,2020
china scares me [Answer]
TINY TIMMY 15 12,2020
with how compromised my immune system, i would not survive covid neither would my asthmatic siblings, so gatta thank china for that.   reply
15 12,2020
china scares me [Answer]
15 12,2020
To be honest if we have to blame someone its the chinese government All the fuckn shit going on , and literally no one is held responsible till now I actually have chinese friends and the people or the citizens there are actually nice. The chinese governmennt is torturing minorities there. its scary as fuck   reply
15 12,2020
china scares me [Answer]
Tree wolf
15 12,2020
I also read how they were treating the hongkongers and that they were restricting anything pro democracy, such as the best university in hongkong might go down as China is cutting down its known diversity, they also fired a teacher that taught democracy. Also the cover up of the Tiananmen Square massacre, which the Chinese government says never hap......   reply
15 12,2020

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