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still need more meal

anne anne 2016-06-25 02:46:58 About eat without getting fat
I in my 20's now.. When i was young, i always afraid to became fat. So i always eat little portion, with 3-5 times per day. And make it not hungry and not so full when i eat my portion. Since child to teen, i make through that dietary. But when there is sewing class and teacher told us to measure our body. We tend to get all person their waist measurement and conclude that i have the smallest one. That time i said to my self "its okay to eat more". Always took caution not too low in my BMI. Which in teen its almost in underweight so when i got older i manage to get in the BMI 20 which im very proud. As with from childhood dietary it still take effect, means i cannot push same amount of meal every time which will make me vomit, and with small amount of food i tend to loss weight. I must said i can manage to loss weight in 1 week 3kgs if i take 1meals(rice) per day. And take 1year to gain back that 3kgs. Which is sooo disturbing. ╥﹏╥

eat without getting fat

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