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Stink Bugs

kk<3 kk<3 2020-12-31 05:08:58 About period stories
I was on my period and my mom dragged me to go on a hike. I literally was bleeding through my sweat pants it was so fudging uncomfy. I was lowkey crying so my mom took my back to sit in the car and then she left to continue her walk. I was in the car crying and a STINK BUG flies into the car through the window, all 4 windows were open. So at this point there are at least 15 stink bugs in the car just chillin and I was freaking out cause I have a phobia of stink bugs. My mom told me not to leave the car and I didnt want to get yelled at but at this point I was hyper ventilating to I decided to get the f out. I COULD NOT OPEN THE DOOR LMFAOOO. I finally got it open but the car alarm started going off IDK WHAT I DID. So I was just sitting outside my car having a breakdown while the ca was BLARING. Omg it was a popular spot so there were so many people walking by. Then my mom came back and she was rlly worried cause I was crying so bad but then she started laughing at me oop this was when I was 13. Ah btw I was still perioding my pants.


FRUITY LOOPS January 20, 2021 3:47 am

This should be on top 10 horror stories. This makes me scared my period will come tmr and i have PE

BangtanSandYaoilover May 26, 2021 4:16 am

Hold on how do u know when ur period comes on a specific day? Like isn’t it random?

period stories

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