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Uhhhh isn’t the whether quite lovely today?? Ah hahaha.....   reply
07 01,2021
I'm having a mental breakdown rn extremely stressed, both of my grandparents who basically take care of me and all my siblings both got cancer at the same time. My aunt just got covid and I hope my cousin doesn't get it her health is so bad. My Chromebook broke so I have to do work on my desktop but now my sibling can't do her work. The fact I don......   1 reply
12 01,2021
I'm barely keeping my mentality from breaking. I mean, it's crumbled enough, and school be hitting it away with a fucking hammer. I used to be this sweet girl, but the real world hits hard. I get good grades, but it's still stressful. I don't study, I use my memory because I prefer to. Studying stresses me out. I switched schools a lot for differen......   1 reply
07 01,2021
I normally do well in school but since I started going to a school that teaches with French, it’s been going downhill. I have a project and book summary( both in French) due for Friday and I haven’t done shit... I’m barely holding on.   1 reply
07 01,2021
I'm a sophomore in college and somehow have managed to stay motivated. Not sure how but I understand where you're coming from. I dropped out of high school my sophomore year after falling down a spiral of depression, anxiety, and lack of motivation so I've been in your shoes before. The best advice I can give is to look forward to the future and ma......   reply
07 01,2021
Science-special school can kiss my ass :)   reply
07 01,2021
Honestly, seeing this question is so relatable plus seeing all of these answers makes me sad. We all are suffering coz of Acads. But hey! Ya guys! Hang in there! We can make it through! Fighting u guys. Love u all!   reply
12 01,2021
I'm literally about to kms, my mental health is fucking gone and this shit is not helping. siting there looking at the screen trying to learn fucking square root is not going to find my will to live nor is it going to give me a better chance in life. at this point school isn't even here to teach us but to corrupt us. I don't remember being a stupid......   reply
12 01,2021
it has just worsened my depression and made me want to die more than i already used to   reply
12 01,2021
Bruh I just started college classes and I read that by the end of my English class I would need to be able to write 15- 20 page essay...... bruh I can’t even write a 1 page essay ..... shoot me now who tf is reading 15 pages worth of bullshit? Why why is that even needed? Unless you’re job is a journalist or an author don’t force that shit on......   reply
12 01,2021

can i vent it out

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