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Kinda feeling empty?

Funuzi Funuzi 2021-01-10 12:48:21 About feeling empty
I dont know if you would call this feeling empty but everything in my life would taste tasteless. I wouldnt feel that spark when reading stories i would usually like. These days im finding myself forcing to read manga. Trying to cling onto that jolt i so desprately longed for. Telling myself, "I love this!" When in reality i feel nothing for these characters. I feel nothing for this story. I tried switching up the genre but its no avail. I really don't know what caused this feeling and its really saddening im unable to enjoy reading anymore.


Just Another Sucker For Manga January 10, 2021 9:26 pm

I went through the same more than once... My way to cope was taking a break (from manga).. do something else , watch/read something else u enjoy could be anything like english movies series k dramas anything etc... Or just eat/sleep/draw/listen to music/talk to someone u havent to in a long while/go somewhere etc whatever u like... Then only when u start to REALLY miss manga again.. no matter how long it takes.. only then come back to it .. ull surely get your spark back ;) and u wont regret it ....
Just some friendly advice ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
Hope it helpss ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

feeling empty

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