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Speaking as an ex-fujoshi, so let's start 1.I don't care about the meaning of the word.It's the fandom that ruins the word. Most if not all the people in the fandom fetishizes gay people. The fewer people who don't fetishize can't make up for the large and loud part of the fandom. 2.What you said about shouen ai genre is huge bullshit. If you re......   reply
18 01,2021
LMAOOOO the origin of the word fujoshi doesnt change the fact that yall fetishizing mlm relationships   3 reply
18 01,2021
where did this come from. “Fujoshi” came form 2ch in the early 2000s which is a now inactive forum, it was to describe a certain subculture within the Otaku community and it was for women who read BL. It wasn’t originally an offensive term. The “fu” in Fujoshi originally meant “woman” but was later substituted for “rotten” and tur......   4 reply
18 01,2021
The only people who are "uneducated" on the discourse are the ones who still think the "origin and definition" of fujoshi is even remotely relevant to the criticism being directed at them, even after it's been well established that no one gives two shits what the word means because that's not the fucking point of contention. Maybe actually listen......   reply
18 01,2021
since when was being a fujoshi a race? what   3 reply
03 02,2021
u get 2 cursed pics for the amount of time I just wasted reading that bullshit   2 reply
03 02,2021
I'm too tired to write a paragraph so lemme pretend i care for a sec ok done   1 reply
18 01,2021
omg free block list !!in all honesty SHUT THE FUCK UP ABT THIS FUJOSHITTY ARGUMENT NO ONE GIVES A DAMN ANYMORE   4 reply
03 02,2021
idk man just keep me out of this stuff. I start questioning myself so much when i see these questions- I just wanna read manga in peace is that too much to ask for?!? T-T   1 reply
03 02,2021
I've given up on arguing and my conclusion is: Just let the fujo's do what they want -_- It doesn't really matter as long as they don't actually bring fiction into real life Or as long as they don't start being toxic asf then just leave them alone In summary, i couldn't care less as long as they don't hurt anyone   reply
03 02,2021


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