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had bizarre dreams?

dreams that just make you go "what is going on inside my brain" or just straight up "what the diggidy darn"


Akumi January 18, 2021 9:54 pm

I remember when I was still in 9th grade, I often dream of my youngest sister being abandoned and living in the street like a bum. I continue to have that dream for months ಥ‿ಥ
And my sister in my dream is just like 4-5 year old tf.
I'm really bothered by it.

yacchans pigtail 간체 January 18, 2021 2:19 pm

I jerked off armin from aot on my couch and when he c4me it sounded like when you step in dog sh1t and his c0m looked like cottage cheese :D another time my friend said he was the pink ninja turtle and then continued to use the odm gear from aot to sling shot himself into my ceiling and leave a mark where his face hit :D fun~


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