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Coming out

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-01-22 05:51:57 About coming out of the closet
2 or 3 years ago I came out as a Lesbian to my family. They said ok but keep playing games with me saying I like a guy or I'm going to date a man. LET ME TELL YOU! I CAN NOT WAIT till I walk in one day with my SO and tell them "mom, dad, little brother. I want you to meet my fiancee." THE LOOK ON THEIR FACE WILL BE WORTH EVERY CENT!
We will see who is laughing then. Thinking I'm fucking playing games, that I am joking. Homophobic asses. Seeing that look is why I am tempted to try and date.


im gonna be straight with you March 17, 2024 2:20 pm

Yeah why not? Give it a try. I hear it's a lot harder and takes time so go for it