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Hunter Sung Jin Woo's Workout

BlAddiction BlAddiction 2021-01-27 03:50:35 About hunter sung jin woo's workout
yk that stupidly difficult daily quest jin woo gets?

100 push-ups
200 curl-ups
100 squats
10 km run

well my dumbass decided to give it a try. of course i halved the exercise because i'm not a cool op action fantasy protagonist with cool abilities.

so i did this for about a week, and god it was pain itself. i don't recommend at all maybe it's just because i'm very unfit that this was difficult for me but god i'll never do it again.

1/10 should only attempt if you have cool main character skills


JustLemmeEatMyJollyAssSoup April 26, 2021 8:16 am

lol i have zero cool op main character plot armor and i will never do it cause im weak as hell lmao props to you for surviving


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