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jaz:/ 27 01,2021
falling out the bed just to get back in it and just to stay in it for the rest of day till dinner time   reply
27 01,2021
key 04 02,2021
every morning i wake up   reply
04 02,2021
Well i wake up...go to online school..then sleep. How exciting is my life omg like how pog!! #verycool   reply
27 01,2021
I always set my alarm to la vie en rose bc for some reason it’s the only song that doesn’t make me want to punch a wall when I hear it at 7:00 in the morning ╥﹏╥   2 reply
27 01,2021
i sit in bed half asleep, stare at the wall, and contemplate whether or not its worth it anymore   reply
27 01,2021
i watch a bit of redo of healer to remind me how bad my life is.   reply
04 02,2021
Forg 27 01,2021
Every morning I turn off my alarm and go straight to my computer so I can watch stuff before school and I eat food On the weekends I don't even sleep   reply
27 01,2021
cry because this:   reply
08 02,2021

be a dumb bitch

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