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Discovery about korean webtoons. Time to blow your mind!

FistMeDaddy FistMeDaddy 2021-02-06 02:35:57 About mental breakdown
So lately i've been noticing the similar patterns that some korean webtoons have when they live in like a luxury penthouse or apartment. I thought it was just a trend in interior designs in south korea or something. But then I noticed how one of the apartment in the manhwa is way too similar to another that i've read before. So I went to look for the other one.
AND VOILA!! It's exactly the same style like even the small details! AND I found a third one after that after recalling my memories!

take note the three of them are from different publishing website. one from tappytoon. one from tapas and one from lezhin
If you've found this in other manhwas/webtoons do share it!

1st pic: Starlight Scandal

2nd pic: k's secret

3rd and 4th pic: love is an illusion

LOoks at it! look at lamps by the coaches! the stairs! the Kitchen,chandelier! the kitchen drawer/cupboards! the second floor doors and glass windows!


LovelyD February 6, 2021 3:48 am

Lmao you just found out? Castle-nim and that weird zombie pastry are the og reused assets. Although those mostly appear in manwhas that are set in a historic time period.

Imbecilic-Idiot February 6, 2021 3:47 am

I’m sure they use models just like how some artist style figurines for poses so it must be a popular model. If not, then that’s a tiny bit strange.

Yaoi_Girl February 6, 2021 3:40 am

Oh, shit, you right....


mental breakdown

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