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*snickers* The cousin minor lover post

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-02-07 14:56:08 About done with people
I was completely revolted by what I read. At first, I thought he was a troll but he has had pervious issues like that one and I realized that there are actually people like him in the world. Anyways the OP had remarks about him not being able to control himself and that his cousin has been sexually abused. And said this “I cant stop kissing her. Im not able to. Ive gone sexual with her (just an orgasm over cloth). And these days she wants more. Its becoming really hard to resist.” I’m assuming “her” is his 15 year old cousin. After reading the comments I found some real gems like these.

“I just want you to know that you can’t control other peoples actions and emotions and if she really ends up getting hurt, it’s not your fault.”

“ I don't particularly think you have all the fault it's just misfortune events that have occurred and for her as well”

“but if you really love each other, then be patient (I know it's hard) but in your situation, patience is the only the's not like you both not seeing each other again right? Just "true love can wait"...I hope you become more independent and mature..and also the cousin too( currently your lover right?) I wish you both a good luck to your relationship..(◍•ᴗ•◍) ” Yes because we love supporting incest am I right?

These comments just make me think and realize that my post wasn’t inaccurate at all. I hate to say I told you so. Of course not everyone said things like this but it is the fact that these people did, is the reason why I made the post about the slow normalization. To the Op, and the people who made those comments.

I'm dead serious about the gif.


yeet5162day February 7, 2021 6:21 pm

Here, I have some holy water
I have heard about this cousin minor thing but I haven't seen it. And I'm glad I didn't see it.

欢迎 February 7, 2021 4:15 pm

If I found something more disgusting than the OP that was some comments. OP is a fucking-20-something adult in a sexual relation with an already abused and traumatized child. It involved grooming, power imbalance and distortion of reality, because not only minors CANNOT consent, but we are in front of a scarred and mentally unstable teenager that is easily manipulated and will deeply regret this in the future.

It honestly baffled me how people were trying to be nice to A FUCKING PEDO. OP can go die in a ditch for all I care. He is not trying to suppress something but altredy acted since he already admitted of having a sexual relationship with her. The more nice you are the more this disgusting human being will victimize himself because "He CaNnOt CoNtRoL it" and will feel validated.
Why are they fucking babying and victimizing a pedo. Do people really not fucking realize who the victim is and who is at fault and should be demonized?

Also... True love and lovers my ass. Seek help, exit this site and get a reality check.
This is why people (the sane ones) always complain when someone brings up the topic about "shotacon" and incest and other topics being normalized. This is why it's dangerous to romanticize these things. Even if it's "only fiction" Idgaf.

I'd rather be dead than see pedos normalized.

S e n p a i `N i n i February 7, 2021 4:05 pm

Sweet Jesus alabama ┗( T﹏T )┛

blobfish February 7, 2021 4:04 pm

THIS IS WHYYYY I ALLLLWWWAAAYYYSSS QUESTIONED AND LITERALLY SHOUT AT THOSE FUCKED UP PEOPLE TO STOP. ROMANTICIZE. AND PROMOTE(also normalized). INCEST!!! like HOW CAN MORE FUCKED UP YOU CAN BE???? STOP IT!!! IT DOESNT MATTER whether ‘minding your own business’ ‘scientifcally proved’ or even ‘JUST FICTION’! BULLSHIT!!! IT’s not romantic. it’s not cute. it’s FUCKED UP!! GET SOME HELP!!!!!!!!!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧