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Hello! I play genshin too,,,, I got ganyu..... maybe we could play together? (=・ω・=) my ID is 614617335   1 reply
15 02,2021
15 02,2021
im just saving up and getting materials for venti whos not even confirmed yet and xiao is making this 1000x harder -sad noises-   2 reply
15 02,2021
Fluffchan 15 02,2021
F2P player also! I ended up getting Diluc instead of Xiao and that made me happy/sad at the same time - happy since Diluc is hot but sad for no Xiao ╥﹏╥ I ended up giving up on Xiao to save primogems for Childe & Zhongli since I don't have them(/TДT)/   1 reply
15 02,2021
f2p player as well!! for promotional charas i got albedo and xiao, wasnt saving up for any of them but i hit pity for albedo and lucky on xiao! im on ar 45 with 40k+ ar exp because i dont wanna ascend before i have two well built team (for abyss). for non promo characters i have mona and diluc (got him the same day as albedo!). i have shit artifact......   1 reply
15 02,2021
I play genshin too!!! Saving as much as I can for no particular character (except I want razor ivi)   1 reply
15 02,2021
15 02,2021
Yes i play genshin too.. im still trying to get xiao... i hope for venti banmer to come again. I have keqing, zhongli, qiqi, childe. I really want xiao ...   1 reply
15 02,2021
caseu 15 02,2021
I play too!! i was saving pity for hu tao but then got xiao but im not complaining(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
15 02,2021
I’m a f2p too and at r50! I just also wanted to flex that I got xiao and dilluc in my first 2 pulls and I also have Childe, qiqi, and keqing (≧∀≦)   2 reply
15 02,2021

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