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Body insecurities (tw)

Heyo Heyo 2021-02-17 03:26:32 About get to know you
Idk if this is the right place to post but whatever lmao anyways i feel so fat lately lmao im 160 cm (5’3) and 53 kg (118 lbs) lmao my friends tell me im not fat but no matter what anyone tells me i just hate my body i hate how big i am compared to other skinny asian girls,,, man cant i just have a small frame and good proportions like i srsly just hate it everywhere everyones skinny and pretty while i feel like so ugly with my thunder thighs and just being my weight.... i feel like shit and it kinda crushes me when girls skinnier than me on yt or irl say they feel fat lol then like then what am i...and my sister is super skinny and barely eats cause she has a fast metabolism and just thats her eating habits and it’s such a stark contrast to me who is always snacking and i feel so big when im with my family
i used to have disordered eating and ngl im still kinda stuck in a dieting cycle (no i dont have an ed) even when i do eat healthy and exercise it never lasts long because i give up when i see no results bleh sigh idk anyone else struggling with body positivity/insecurity? How yall doing


Pain February 17, 2021 4:35 am

Honestly at the moment I hate my body I’m 5’0 I weight 91 pounds, I used to weight 75-ish, when quarantine started, so I gained like 20 pounds lol, and I eat a lot I have a metabolism but it’s not as fast rlly, like I started getting kinda more belly rolls (IK they are normal but still I hate it) and I noticed that I started kinda getting a double chin only like if I look down, but for me it sucks. I really want to loose weight but I eat ALOT LMAO. My friends joke around with me saying I’m a stick, but we bodyshame eachother as jokes lol, we know when not to get to far obvs. But it sucks lol, and the part about eating and exercising, yeah me too LMAO. But yeah, everyone hates their body at some point, and to the ones that don’t- how does it feel lol?

black_lotus February 17, 2021 4:33 am

Ugh I know exactly how you feel. I’m 5’6 and 150 pounds. I really do wish that I was smaller and skinnier. I have anxiety, poor self image, low self esteem, and a fear that people are always looking at me, judging me, and analyzing me. I tried to diet and i exercise a lot but it never seems to make a difference. It’s sucks because I’m super insecure and I feel worse about it every day. But if you want someone to vent to or talk about it I am totally here! Always ready to help someone out! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

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