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Misogynists and Misandrists

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-02-19 19:02:12 About vent
You know is so fucking funny.

I've noticed that misogynists and misandrists be saying the same damn thing. Whenever I see guys and women complain about relationships they say "they always cheat, they only want sex, they want a certian type of body, all the do is use me, blah blah blah." They both be saying the same thing. THE SAME DAMN THING! Everytime and I be sitting there crying laughing thinking "THEY SAY THE SAME DAMN THING ABOUT YOU!!" but what really gets me what they say they want in a relationship which is "I want someone who will treat me right who I can do x y and z with but they don't exist." Like the reason why yall think that person doesn't exist is because you choose to sit on your ass and complain about the opposite sex on social media and stereotyping everyone based on your one or two bad encounters with shitty people instead of going out and meeting other people. But hey what do I know.


Okami07 February 19, 2021 8:19 pm

And misogynists think women only want their money too #-.-)

Sticky Socks February 19, 2021 8:04 pm

If idiots took the time to think they wouldn't be idiots.