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Big titty goth girls

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-02-22 21:35:47 About vent

So.. i know that whole talking about and hyping up big titty goth girls was two years ago but until recently I never really understood the hype and why men kept obessing over them. Then Instagram showed me some goth women and I understood COMPLETELY why men like it. It's not about the tits per say though it is a nice bonus. For me I like the look. It's hard to explain it. I mean the women look sexy asf but it's the look, the makeup, the hair style, the piercing and the clothes they wear that does it for me if that makes sense (i don't mean that in a sexual way) Same for the punk, rebel look. Anyway


FRUITY LOOPS February 23, 2021 1:08 am

the pornstar?? Big tiity goth egg?