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coming out

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2021-03-02 18:45:08 About coming out of the closet
i never really thought it was necessary to come out to my fam or friends since its not really...yk their business, BUT despite this, i came out that i was bi to my dad (im actually pan but i knew he would take it worse if i said that lol) not too long ago and he told me i was mentally ill lol, i mean he wasnt 100% wrong but still- anyways he then went on to preach the bible to me knowing i dont really believe in that kind of stuff so the whole situation was just really uncomfy, especially since i didnt even mean to come out.. it just kinda slipped etibugonx but for a week after he would make homophobic comments and such that just made me regret not keeping my mouth shut ( ̄へ ̄)oh and also now he wont let me hang out with my bestfriend (we're both females) since he knows shes "also" bi and he thinks were gonna do something like......


im gonna be straight with you March 17, 2024 2:26 pm

I know it's like a thing online to come out but you really don't have to haha. And it's safer if you don't esp if you don't know your parents' opinion/ (or other people really) they have negative opinion. Investigative 1st how they feel seeing gæ people. So like maybe watch a movie or series with a gæ or sapphic couple, whichever you are. See their reaction. If it's good then Later, if you're a girl, say you have a friend who's a girl who recently got a gf and see their reaction. If it's still positive, test later on, by making jokes, like mom right you said my future spouse spouse should be rich? What if a rich girl liked me? Or something. And see how they react. If they react negatively in any of the tests best not to tell them else they may control or limit your freedoms or cause arguments


coming out of the closet

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