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NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-03-04 03:01:18 About vent
God damn there was this story that was completely shitty. Plot holes and random bullshit happening. Then the bitch in the story tries to and does have sex with a dude in a coma and someone tries to defend them with the they gave consent. HE IS IN A COMA! There is no fucking consent. (They did agree at the end with what i said but still) It just stupid fucking writing full of plot conveniences because they don't know how to write a story. I hate when people do that. I hate shitty writing. I hate plot holes. I hate when people defend shitty writing from shitty "authors" Good writing is free. It's literally not even hard to make a plot that goes from point A to point B. Shit pisses me off beyond belief.