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Honey You’re Embarrassing Yourself rn... most of us found this website by just looking up a manga that we wanted to read and the whole reason everyone is mad about it being spread on twitter and tiktok is the fact that this website is lowkey illegal and the more popular, widespread, and talked about it is, the more likely other publishing compa......   reply
17 03,2021
Bruh I found this site on my own tho by searching for mangas online? stop being such a dumbass. Sounds like you're one of the idiots who must've shared this site online   3 reply
17 03,2021
LOLLLL man I'm not from twitter or tiktok. I'm from google. Mannnn you probably came from tiktok or twitter and are just trying to defend yourself.   1 reply
17 03,2021
Just say u was exposing the site publicly and go about your day   reply
17 03,2021
No actually I found this site in 2017 by searching up “read yaoi manga online” so that’s one, two people shouldn’t be spreading this site on social media because it’s literally illegal, so I don’t see a problem with gate keeping this because we never had problems until last year during quarantine where this site became a trend for KS an......   2 reply
17 03,2021
maybe you came from those sites, but not all of us. This whole opinion Is based off a bold assumption. and I can kind of understand your frustration because you can Literally search" free manga sites" and you can find the site. but that still doesn't make sense, there's a difference between taking something and moving on with your day, compared to ......   reply
17 03,2021
lmao jokes on you i found this on google. and the only one embarrassing themselves is you.   reply
18 03,2021
i got this site from a different site   2 reply
17 03,2021
Lmao you're embarrassing yourself   reply
17 03,2021
Jokes on you, I found this site looking for horny shit, not social media, now the idea of spreading this site is stupid just like you   reply
18 06,2021


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