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Yeh I hate that, especially if your just trying to talk to someone bc you need to and its gotten to that point. Then they start saying that what ever the other person was saying isn't bad at all and they have it worse   1 reply
08 04,2021
08 04,2021
*cough cough* "I got called a slut today!" " oh? so and so Fucked me! " "you think thats bad? I kissed my mother and fucked our pet fish." yea its sad how everyone is trying to look pethetic   reply
08 04,2021
I hate when someone is complaining about something and other people take it as an invitation to start a pissing contest of who has it the worst. Like wtf   1 reply
08 04,2021
08 04,2021
I don’t know, but it’s horrible and annoying as hell. Like yeah, we get it, but this ain’t a competition on who has the shittier life.   reply
08 04,2021
I totally get you, it's even more annoying when they start saying bullshit like "at least your parents love you", like I do feel bad for you but could you stop talking like you know everything about me? smfh.   reply
08 04,2021
Yeaah or when someone is saying "some poeple have it worse than you!" Like bro what the fuck can I do about it now?   reply
08 04,2021
08 04,2021
I mean, if they were trying to invalidate other people's problems because "theirs are worse", then sure. But your example just looks like a group complaining session, which I don't really see an issue with. Like, pity parties are kinda weird and maybe they should be talking to a therapist instead, but not my business.   reply
08 04,2021
No because if someone is talking about something and your immediate reaction is to bitch about how bad YOUR life it I'm just going to make fun of you. "Hey I've been feeling very self conciouse about myself" "Oh ReaLy Well At lEsT yOuR PaRentS LoV-" "Damb bitch im not surprised they dont love you, whiney ass" And its even worse when its like so......   reply
08 04,2021
08 04,2021
reminds me of when i was ranting to my ex friend and they made it about them and i had to be the one comforting them like yikes i barely even rant too   reply
08 04,2021


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