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Women are STILL being discriminated against in 2021

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-04-21 12:54:33 About done with people
So I was talking to my mom about owning a house and she told me women just can't buy a house. That the bank or whoever discriminates against women and askes them questions like "where is your husband?" "How can you afford this house?" "How much do you make?" We are in the U.S and it's 2021 I can't (actually I can this is the U.S we are talking about) but still I can't believe that shit still goes on and it personally makes me upset b/c as a Lesbian I'm not going to be married to no stupid bitchass nasty materialistic only want want you for sex dumbass man.

Hell no Men are only good as friends and thats it.


KyaMANGA April 21, 2021 12:59 pm

also, yes they are going to ask all sorts of financial questions, but they do that to everyone. They need to make sure they're going to make a profit off you. It's just capitalism, not sexism.

KyaMANGA April 21, 2021 12:57 pm

um. I'm sorry your mom is annoying. But I got a pre approval for a loan without a SINGLE question about WHY a single woman is looking for a house. Of course they ask who will be living there because if there is another adult they will get a credit history on them, but ya. It's okay. I'm buying a house if I ever stop getting outbid.