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Everything sucks   reply
22 04,2021
fucking school man   1 reply
23 04,2021
I'm happy.   2 reply
22 04,2021
I've been crying till 5 am every night I'm only 15 but already in debt and already feel the the dread of living plus i have many symptoms of mental illness but my mother doesn't believe in labels even though its affecting my life plus I cant talk to girls even just being near them incites a gay panic   reply
23 04,2021
well it’s like this. you haven’t had your favorite food in months you finally had it given to you and you are so happy. but then you drop it and can’t get another one because now it somehow got moldy and it’s un edible   1 reply
22 04,2021
My brain hurts all the time and I’m not doing that well in school right now I just wanna go to sleep forever   2 reply
22 04,2021
actually going pretty well right now!!!! just thought id say guys it gets better. i dont know who cares but lemme just infodump rq- so i went to my doctor today for something they wouldnt tell me, and when i got there she gave me a bunch of art supplies and sketchbooks because i found out i have autism and art is my special interest, and shes my ......   1 reply
22 04,2021
I had coffee and i'm still tired :(   reply
22 04,2021
always tired, hungry, exhausted and stressed   reply
22 04,2021
I'm actually doing alright. I am not stressed, sad, happy, or numb. I can very much feel emotions, but it's bothersome. Currently apathetic(?). Grades and relationships are falling down, but meh. I'm focusing on taking better care of my character in general and my own hygiene since my past depression ruined that. The skies are very lovey, the fresh......   1 reply
23 04,2021

strange experience

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