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Incest is nasty. [Answer]
26 04,2021
Y'all's replies are just... I'm not justifying incest, but the way y'all say shit like "omg incest is so gross like imagine being into your brother/sister" sounds a whole lot like how people used to (and still do) say "omg gay people are so gross like imagine being into another guy/woman", as if your discomfort/disgust surrounding an idea or group ......   4 reply
26 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
26 04,2021
This should be common sense...   1 reply
26 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
26 04,2021
Wait I'm a bit confused with ur question, fictional characters cant even think cause they ain't real so they dont really have a opinion, unless they were created with one...I'm genuinely confused sorry,,,,   2 reply
26 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
jing yi
26 04,2021
no but the real thing is that WE SHOULD FEEL SORRY FOR THE KIDS. mfs gonna have to play hot and cold in the after life.   reply
26 04,2021
Incest is a real paraphiliac issue. You should not judge people under your own personal values. Personally, I know a brother and a sister that have been a couple since 18 years. They are happy together. If it doesn't affect people outside their relationship...who are you to judge? There ARE people that absolutely CAN'T get horny or romanticaly int......   8 reply
03 05,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
27 04,2021
If you enjoy incest please dig a hole and sit in it forever   reply
27 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
ri <3 26 04,2021
if you like incest, im gonna get a restraining order against you.   reply
26 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
ilyozu 26 04,2021
I don't really care about real people who are into incest. They can do whatever they want as long as I'm not involved in their business. That doesn't mean i'd like to duck my siblings. But you thinking as if fictional characters are a real human with feelings is weird. They're not human ffs. If you can't separate fiction and reality then there's ......   reply
26 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
Syrupy Pancake 26 04,2021
don't know why this a debate when you are correct. And just to let the defenders know, you're just as bad as what you defend.   reply
26 04,2021
Incest is nasty. [Answer]
fingerblaster_800 26 04,2021
any type of incest is fucking weird. whether it be irl, fictional, or whatever, its still fuckin weird   reply
26 04,2021

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