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I swear some posts REALLY bring out the Degenerates

NightmareWhisper NightmareWhisper 2021-04-26 23:09:02 About done with existing
Like what the ACTUAL fuck is this?

What the hell is wrong with you people? Like I'm going to ignore all the "iTs FIcTiOn AnD ITs OkAy CuZzzzz iTs FIcTiOn!"

posts and look at the people who are ok with actual real life incest. First off ITS FUCKING HARMFUL!!! WHY ARE YOU SUPPORTING HARMFUL SHIT!? People are so fucking dumb. Scientists have already proven that it is bad a quick google search will show you that but we still got dumbass that think

"IT dOeSnT InVoLE ME sO ITs OkAy!" No baby its not ok. Let's normalize pointing out shit that is wrong instead of turning a blind eye to it because it doesn't effect us, it's not our business. (I know not everyone does this so shut the fuck up I'm talking to the people who think this way) Otherwise what is the point of hating pedos and keeping kids safe from them then? It's not our life. It doesn't affect us. Or rapists? It's her that got molested and raped. Not me. Thats his personal life and his business. That doesn't affect me. I'm not involved in their business. Jfc

if you disagree go off in the comments Idc.


megane uke is the best June 23, 2021 7:37 pm

I would say it depends on people. For someone like me who read all types of genres and have went too deep into it can say, we treat it like a fiction. Cause that kinda thing cannot be applicable in rl. Anyways, it isn't the uploaders or the readers mistake that children get to see Incest or whatever tag.

If we look into Incest , still few countries have it. It was kinda normal those days. Polymorous relationship, Polygamy etc .
If we go futher you might tell being Gay, Bi is only "ew, gross"

All I can say is that we need to be Mature and Spiritual (Spiritual is different from religious)
This is just my understanding :)

Cestelle April 26, 2021 11:21 pm

Don't disagree, but most people's idea of "point out shit that is wrong", especially when it comes to incest, is to just say "omg ew that's so gross" and leave it at that as if that means anything.

Normalize "pointing out shit that is wrong" in ways that don't involve normalizing using your own personal discomfort/disgust as a supposedly valid point.

ExistentialDread April 26, 2021 11:15 pm

its annoying that subjects along these lines get justified by reasons like that. like to what extent do you see something disturbing and stop saying "its fiction" “its not your business”