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tripped in front of my whole grade   reply
30 04,2021
Uh me and my partner were having sex and I ended up moaning in a VERY VERY VERY high pitched voice but other than that..? Breathing   reply
30 04,2021
i got lost in the mall and when i thought i found my mom, i held her hand and dragged her to a store but it turns out to be a stranger my GOD 6 year old me was pissed like why do u look like my mom T__T i couldn’t sleep for days bc i was really embarrassed like… that poor lady   reply
30 04,2021
It was too hot so I took off my sweater and layed on my bed, top naked. My brother climbed up the stairs to my room clueless and said "Hey, I got an anime question." I rapped myself like a caccon and answered his fucking question. ( He wanted to know where this character was from) It's not the most embarrassing thing but it's the most recent. ......   1 reply
30 04,2021
Way too embarrassing to say... Just thinking about it is painful ╥﹏╥   reply
30 04,2021