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It's okay to trace pictures and I don't know why they are coming after your art like that? It's your art, you can trace if you want cus no one gives a fuck. It's the most irrelevant thing to come at someone about lmao.   reply
05 05,2021
Dude as a child we all Trace stuff. That's how I learned to get my hand steady for art, of course I go off my brain now, but there should only be consequences in tracing if you don't admit it and steal someone's art completely. As long as you give credit, you're fine.   reply
05 05,2021
everyone else has already brought up that this is a thing between both of yall don't start more drama that no one gives a shit about... it's not drama unless you make it drama. Also, to play the devil's advocate ,, you were the one who rebrought up the already dead Taku~ drama "old shit" as you so eloquently put, and then proceeded to get mad......   3 reply
05 05,2021
Honestly I think tracing is fine as long as you give credit and use it to learn and become a better artist. Best of luck on your artistic journey (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
05 05,2021
I don't believe there's much wrong with tracing except claiming it as your own. I used to trace a lot because I needed a starting point for drawing. Now, I just try to use references more instead of tracing. The thing is, your skills improve over time, and you learn to draw on your own.   reply
05 05,2021
Your acting like 1.) we care and 2.) we didn’t already know   1 reply
09 07,2021

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