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Idk, they're weird o.O

MaYoDiNo MaYoDiNo 2021-05-12 08:26:58 About weird dreams
So, the last few months have been so weird that I legit have the weirdest dreams. Like, have seggs with my ex and an old crush appearing in my dreams. But they get so weird that I feel like I'm on fuxking acid! Or robo tripping!
Like I've seen signs in my dreams; but I never fully look it up until i feel the need to.
Like this one time I had this dream that fucked me up. So, I was in a movie theater and this band was playing and all of a sudden I'm in a lake or river trying to survive and all of a sudden forest creatures come to me and start eating me. It scared me so bad that I woke up. Still scares me to this day.


Laralii May 12, 2021 8:37 am

That sounds like material for a smut Manhwa