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Betting right now that his racist friend's name is Kyle.   1 reply
24 05,2021
This is just based off of my opinion but it'd depend on how he reacted to it. Like if he was okay with it and joked with them then I'd fucking leave because ew   1 reply
24 05,2021
drop him   1 reply
24 05,2021
Don’t tell him. Better not go out with a guy like that, they never change, even if you try to make them. Even if he’s not actively racist, you should stop your friends when they do smth like that.   1 reply
24 05,2021
Honestly if he gives you signs then go for it I guess, but you should tell his friends to not say that, if their part of his "group" aka the boys just say it in a way like "Dude don't say that word who gave you the pass?" if they don't care you need to tell them something that gets their guard up like explaining where it comes from and why they sho......   1 reply
24 05,2021


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