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CatherQ 27 05,2021
Seriously stop judging People’s kinks and fantasies. If you dont have them, then you have zero right to comment on them. Instead go educate yourself, and Actually talk to people who have these kinks. Don’t just call other people kinks and fantasies disgusting, that can be pretty hurtful, and make someone feel like something is wrong with them b......   1 reply
27 05,2021
28 05,2021
It's just a kink. Its usually the strangeness/unnaturalness that causes it-rape is disgusting and horrific, yet due to that some people view it as exciting when done in a consensually non-consensual fashion(people with rape kinks dont actually want to rape anyone/be raped, they just enjoy the tension.) Piss kinks...are literally one of the most ha......   1 reply
28 05,2021
27 05,2021
but why would you BRING IT UP   reply
27 05,2021
It's nasty af and let's not bring kinks and fetish drama again   reply
27 05,2021
icy 27 05,2021
ooo so i actually researched this a bit because I was really curious about why people had rape kinks. (idk anything about piss kinks I'm assuming people like it bc it's like squirting?? idk lmao) there was a study done that gave some explanations as to why people (specifically women) have these fantasies. 1. one reason is masochism/sexual degradati......   1 reply
27 05,2021
28 05,2021
Rape kink is a little eh, but then again like everyone else is saying, what turns you on turns you on and as long as you're being safe and consensual, to each his own I guess. And at this point, piss kink is just piss kink I mean what are you gonna do about lmao. It's one of the least worst ones around.   reply
28 05,2021
27 05,2021
No, not again   reply
27 05,2021
27 05,2021
No comment, but it would be appreciated if people didn't go around in public boasting about it, same goes for any kink. what you do in your bedroom stays in the bedroom.   reply
27 05,2021
piss kink? i have no strong opinion but kinda nice i guess rape kink? sorry my trauma made me like it. it's a common response towards trauma tbh and no, you ain't a freak for bein into it   reply
27 05,2021
Lucas 27 05,2021
I have these kinks as a result from truama ;)   2 reply
27 05,2021


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