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Yoai sucks [Answer]
stan bts 04 06,2021
wow SUCH an unpopular opinion, you really offer something new to the discussion, its almost like we didn't get this SAME exact topic posted 10303094820 times something i noticed is that anything popular is getting hated on, idk if its just me but a lot of people want to read something "underrated" or just shit on popular ones because its the trend,......   4 reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
Addiction0720 04 06,2021
I thought it's obvious??? BL is boys love/gay story, shounen ai is a wholesome gay love story while Yaoi is literally hentai but gay version.   reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
Shhh don't tell my mom
04 06,2021
Ok and?? You know that u should've kept this for yourself cause oh boyyy~ This section will be filled with rants about you and lemme just say it is just a preference and if u hate or don't really like it don't go writing this question and saying to the whole site that you don't like Yaoi Ps; u just wrote yaoi wrong , guess u really hate yaoi that......   reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
Souplikepoop 04 06,2021
lemme put yall on shounen ai   reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
renthesushi 04 06,2021
Honestly, it's people's preferences. we all know hentai , Yuri , yaoi , must have a sex scenes in it. And it's obvious that people who'd read it expect the sex scenes to be there ?? It's just like you saying that porn sucks because it has sex scenes in it, i mean it's called porn because it has sex scenes in it . If it doesn't contain sex scen......   reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
04 06,2021
i mean, it does depend on what and which. like aphrodite said all of the good ones like are all super underrated and or barely talked about, whereas the shit pieces like bj alex are all hyped up to the max. while i hate the good ones don't get recognition, im kinda glad cause half of the po......   4 reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
04 06,2021
you read yaoi though   3 reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
Sexy man
04 06,2021
You, have balls of steel. Preach, yell it louder for the ones in the back.   reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
04 06,2021
i know there are some good ones but all i can see in MOST yoais is sex   reply
04 06,2021
Yoai sucks [Answer]
Maple Tree 04 06,2021
The cringe fujoshis are already here, and really pissed. Here with their pitchforks to defend the integrity of their fap content.   1 reply
04 06,2021

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